Our team
Vyacheslav Orlov
Instructor of the 3rd category, Candidate for Master of Sports in mountaineering, Candidate for Master of Sports in rock climbing
Founder of Altay-pro. A teacher by vocation and an unwavering fan of his craft. Possesses a keen sense of people and a attentive eye for the situation. Everyone knows Slava in these parts.

Denis Yefremenko
Instructor of the 3rd category, 1st rank in mountaineering
A man you can send into the taiga with an axe to found a city.
He's been in the mountains since childhood. Erudite, blue-eyed, and responsible. He looks tough, but he's a sweet gingerbread man at heart. He can be grumpy when there's no tobacco around.

Evgeny Ivanov

Instructor of the 3rd category, Candidate for Master of Sports in rock climbing, 1st rank in mountaineering

Evgeny sees a lot, speaks to the point, jokes without warning. A sharp mind and communication are his forte. Light but powerful, attentive and tactful.
If you don't know something, ask Evgeny.

Alexey Kislenkov
Instructor of the 2nd category, 1st rank in mountaineering

Alexey knows firsthand how to behave in an emergency situation. After leaving the emergency rescue team of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, he started guiding people in the mountains. The soul of the company, the owner of the widest embrace, an accordion, and a notebook with poems.

Vitaly Gaskov
Tourism instructor, 1st rank in mountaineering, 1st rank in rock climbing
Brief and extremely resourceful. A golden man during a journey. His housekeeping skills are Godly. He has a thousand things in his arsenal that make everyone's life easier.
Vitaly doesn't tire with unnecessary questions, listens like a confessor, but when the right moment comes, he generously shares interesting stories about the beauty of his homeland, mountains, and mountaineering.

Ivan Kutenkov

Chief design engineer, guide translator, visionary

If you want to discuss concepts, forms, and content, turn to Ivan. He will explain in detail how to behave in outdoor conditions to stay safe and sound.
Sings like an angel.

Tursunkhan Bazhenov
Horse inspector, fire safety inspector, employee of the Katon-Karagay National Park, Agashka
A native of the Altai Mountains, he has been in the saddle since childhood. A guide who has accompanied all expeditions to the summit of Belukha for the past 40 years.
A cheerful and sun-kissed guardian of order in the Katon-Karagay National Park.

Erkesh Kolmykpaeva
A unique woman who has absorbed dozens of skills. The keeper of the hearth at the Altay-Pro base camp.
It is believed that the famous baursaks, prepared by Erkesh apa, are baked solely by the power of her spiritual light and the warmth emanating from her.

Karina Abakova
The website architect
The guardian of our digital world. A modern nomad of many elements: confidently safeguarding data in cyberspace and galloping across Altay with equal mastery. A lover of good coffee, who will make the best americano in camping conditions.

Ekaterina Orlova
Coordinator, inspirer
Master of sports in coordinating all the intricacies of travel. Has vast practical experience in delivering and accompanying people to the very heart of the Altai Mountains. Ecologist with ten years of experience and a caring voice.